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「とびら」 第二課 文法 9-16

9. The Rising and Falling Intonations with でしょう・だろう

lit trans – right? isn’t/wasn’t it?

(used as a tag question at the end of a phrase/sentence in short form)

でしょう used by females and だろう used by males

in casual situations, the final う can be omitted

-a rising intonation (?) indicates the speaker wanting the receiver/hearer to reply a confirmation

-a falling intonation (./!) indicates the speaker’s conjecture as speculation or a guess

10. noun が みられる

-can be interpreted in two ways:

i. as the potential form: one can observe/see

ii. as the passive form: something is observed by ‘x’

(what passive form basically does is make the subject as receiving the action rather than doing the action – it is used when the one receiving the action is more important and should be emphasized)

ex: active form – the professor teaches the students

passive form – the students are taught by the professor

ex: 最近、若い人の間で言葉の使い方に変化が見られる。

Recently, amongst young people, the change in their usage of words can/is be observed.

ex: あいさつの仕方にも文化の違いが見られます。

The way to greet can be/is also observed from the difference in cultures.

11. verb よう に なる

lit trans – gradual change of ‘verb’ over a period of time to the point where one can/can’t/does/doesn’t do it

pattern: [verb in short present tense form] + ようになる

*for negative: two ways to express

– [verb in negative short form and omit finalい] + くなる = implies that the change has past and completed

– [verb in negative short form] + ようになる = implies that it was a gradual change

*generally the verb will be dictionary or potential form

ex: スポツジームに行くようになってから、毎朝、早く起きるようになりました。

After getting into going to the gym, I have come to the point to waking up early every morning.

ex: 年をとると両親の理由や考えがよく分かるようになりました。

As I get older, I have come to better understand my parents’ reasons and thoughts/considerations.

ex: タバコがすえる場所が少なくなってきたので、だんだんタバコをすわないようになった。

Because places to be able to smoke have been made few up until now, it has gradually became no smoking.

ex: 友達ががんで死んでから、タバコ をすわなくなった。

After my friend passed away from cancer, I have stopped smoking.

12. また (~も)

lit trans – 1. again; once again「また」 2. also; additionally; moreover「また、~も」

また as in again; once again has a rising intonation

また、~も as in also; additionally; moreover has a lowering intonation

pattern: [situation] 。/、 また、[current situation]。

if it is type 2, there will be a も

ex: 四国はとてもいい所だったから、また行きたいと思います。

Shikoku was such a great place, I think I want to go there again.

ex: この辞書は大学の本屋で買えます。また、図書館で借りることも出来ます。

This dictionary can be bought at the college bookstore. Additionally, it can also be borrowed at the library.

13. Expressing necessity/need

1. it is necessary to do ‘verb’; must do ‘verb’    OR

2. it is not necessary to do ‘verb’; there is no need to do ‘verb’

pattern: [explanatory phrase with verb in short form present tense] + 必要 + [1.がある/2.はない」。

ex: 海外旅行に行く前にパスポートを取る必要があります。

Before going to travel abroad, it is necessary to get a passport.

ex: 量に住めば、食堂でご飯が食べられるから、自分で料理する必要はありません。

If you live in the dormitories, you can eat food at the cafeteria, so there is no need to cook your own meals.

14. X  ~ 場合(は/には)

場合is a noun, meaning situation/case/occasion

-if made into a subject noun that is modified, it serves the same purpose as [phrase/nounの/(なadj) な] 時, a statement that presents a time as in an ‘x’ case

*if the situation is a specific time and does not express case/occasion/situation, then it can’t be used

pattern: [phrase/nounの/(なadj) な/demonstrative adj: あの、その、この] + 場合

ex: 東京に来る場合は、連絡してください。会いに行きますから。

The moment you come to Tokyo, please contact me, as I will go and meet you.

ex: 火事や地震の場合には、エレベーターを使わないでください。

Situations like a fire or an earthquake, please do not use the elevators.

15. Indicate that A is wrong, and B is right

lit trans – not A, but B

pattern: A [では/じゃなく(て)] B。

both A and B can be nouns for phrases

ex: 私が取っているのは、中国ではなくて日本語です。

The class I am taking is not Chinese, but Japanese.

ex: 先生には、「じゃあ、また」ではなくて、「失礼します」と言わなくてはいけません。

Do not say “later” to the teacher, but “I will excuse myself.”

16. [何・いく] + counter word + か

lit trans – some of ‘x’ (about 5 or less) – the speaker is being more specific of what the some things are

ex of counter words:

small animals 匹 ひき

electronics, cars 台 だい

*people: always use 何人 なんにん

bound items 冊 さつ

small items 個 こ

long cylindrical items 本 ほん

sheets 枚 まい

stand alone counter of small items いくつ

ex: 何冊か OR いく冊か some books

ex: 今日は、雪で授業を休んだ人が何人いたそうです。

As for today, it seems the snow made some people absent for class.

ex: お土産にTシャツを何枚か買った。

For souvenirs, I bought a few T-shirts.

credits: Tobira textbook