Ranking Grammar

When wanting to provide rank or to refer a position in a group, the formula goes as thus:

number + counter particle + suffix

-the counter particle depends on the object you are referring to

-additionally, the numbering system differs in the vernacular sense with each object

-the suffix will always be め (目) (-me [as in the -me in menu])

for instance, when ranking people:

first person: ひとりめ (一人目) (hi.to.ri.me)

second person: ふたりめ (二人目) ( fu.ta.ri.me)

third person: さんにんめ (三人目) (san.nin.me)

when ranking years:

first year: いちねんめ (一年目) (i.chi.nen.me)

second year: にねんめ (二年目) (ni.nen.me)

third year: さんねんめ (三年目) (san.nen.me)

for ranking dogs:

first dog: いぬをいっぴきめ (犬を一匹目) (i.nu.wo.i.ppi.ki.me)

second dog: いぬをにひきめ (犬を二匹目) (i.nu.wo.ni.hi.ki.me)

third dog: いぬをさんびきめ (犬を三匹目) (i.nu.wo.san.bi.ki.me)


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