Particles as Counters

When referring to a given number to things, a particle is added alongside the amount. There are various different counter particles according to the type of object.

For small items, you use ˜こ(ko)

Ex: for candy, tomatoes, erasers

For bound volumes, you use ˜さつ (sa.tsu)

Ex: books, magazines, dictionary

For small animals, you add ˜ひき ( or ˜びき ( or ˜っぴき (

Ex: cats, dogs, snakes

To count long objects, you add ˜ほん (hon) or ˜ぼん (bon) or ˜っぽん (ppon)

Ex: stemmed flowers, pencils, umbrellas, bottles, tape

With equipment or things utilized by people, you use ˜だい (da.i)

Ex: computers, calculators, TV, cars, bikes, phones

For flat objects, you add ˜まい (ma.i)

Ex: paper, CDs and DVDs, T-shirts


[object]+[particle for object] + [number] + [counter particle]

ex: I have five books


Wa.ta.shi wa hon ga

wa.ta.shi wa = (subject + particle)

hon = (object)

ga = (particle for object)

go = (number)

sa.tsu = (counter particle)

a.ri.masu = (verb for ‘to have’)


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