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「とびら」 第二課 文法 1-8

1. To Express the Idea of Obligation: Have to; must; should

-first part: ~なければ = if not do ‘verb’ or ~なくては = not do ‘verb’

-second part: ~いけない = it will not do or ~ならない = it will not become

* ~いけない is used when the speaker imposes a sense of obligation is to the receiving listener

* ~ならない is used for the speaker’s own obligations

-various patterns and forms from formal to casual:


私は図書館に行かなければなりません。                         田中さんは図書館に行かなくてはいけません。

ー>行かなければならない。                                       ー>行かなくてはいけない。

ー>行かなきゃならない。                                                ー>行かなくちゃいけない。

ー>行かなきゃ。。。                                                    ー>行かなくちゃんない。

-if using a noun, like “if it isn’t him, then it won’t do”: [noun] + + なければ / なくては …



-Because there is a need to investigate, come to the library.

国民はみんな税金を払わなければなりません -As citizens, everyone must pay taxes.

2. [noun¹noun²/verb¹verb²…] + など

-provides a given list that is not exhaustive/complete

is used to list more than one listed and などis added at the end

など lit trans – such as; and others; and among others

-only one noun can be listed, there does not need to be two: nounなど

-when to express: main noun, such as object noun¹ and object noun²

use pattern: [noun¹][noun]²などの[main noun] OR [noun¹][noun]²など、[main noun]

-DO NOT use this for people – it is degrading



-Within Japanese foods, foods such as sushi and tempura are what I like.


-As for summer vacation, I plan on going to Italy and Greece.

3. XYの一つです

-used to provide one example within a group/classification

X = example Y = group

lit trans – X is one of the Y (yet also implying that it is not the only example with such Y properties)

pattern: [noun][noun phrase]の一つです (if talking about people, use 一人)

-review of ことand もの

ことis used to make a phrase into a noun and it is used mainly with verbs

もの is used in the same fashion, but is used generally for tangible or things that can be grasped conceptually



[漢字 = noun][日本語の勉強で最も大切なもの = noun phrase]

-Kanji is one of the most important things in the Japanese language.


-Reading, for me, is the one of the most favorite things.

4. Nounにとって

lit trans – to/for [noun]… (noun can be a person, organization, country, etc…)

presents as a directed personal pinpoint


あなたにとって、一番大切な人は誰ですか。 -Who is the most precious/important person to you?


-For me, my cat is the most important thing, but as for my cat, the most important thing is food.

5. In Place of/Instead of/To Make Up for [noun]

pattern: [noun]の代わりに、[explanation of the thing/person that will replace it]


ペンのかわりに、えんぴつを使って書いてください。 -Instead of a pen, please use a pencil to write.


-Because my mother was sick, in place of my mother, I made dinner.

6 & 7. X~(の)ため(に)

-can be used in two ways

I. to state the purpose of X

pattern: [noun+の/verb in present tense short form] + ため()

if using a noun, it can also imply as a benefit

lit trans – in order to; for the purpose of; for the sake of



-For the sake of my health, I am taking the stairs rather than riding the elevator.


-In order to cheaply travel around Japan, I intend to buy a JR train pass.


-This is a website for the purpose of practicing how to use the honorific languages.

サイトis a modified noun by 敬語の使い方を練習ための

II. to state the reason for X in order to explain the cause

pattern: [oradjectivenoun+の/verb in past or present tense short form]

best way to differentiate if it is for a purpose or for a reason, a reason [ために] can be replaced with から・ので

common to use demonstrative adjectives in this format: この/その/あの + ために

adjectives in the affirmative present tense form uses and not

lit trans – because; due to



-Because the computer was broken, I could not write the report.


-Because I am busy with studying, I do not have time to meet with my friends.

今年はあまり雪がふらない。そのためにスキーができません。  [その = 今年はあまり雪が降らない]

-There is not a lot of snowfall this year. Because of that reason, we can’t go skiing.

8. AB

used to present alternatives: lit trans – either A or B; whether A or B

pattern: [short form] [short form] particle/

if B is to be followed with a particle (が・を・へ・に・で・と), then omit and use the particle instead

for short forms on affirmative present tense nouns and adjectives, there is no suffix (no)



-I have not decided yet whether to go from Tokyo to Kyushu by Bullet Train or by airplane.


-I’ll be sending an email or phoning you within the week, so please wait for it.

-to send email: メール is the current saying; and 出すis a better verb than 送る

ちゅう vsじゅう: both use the kanji : ちゅう is during andじゅう is while/throughout/in the course of


-The recent cell phones are too complicated, don’t know whether or not they are convenient or not.

私は毎朝ジュース飲みます。 -I drink juice or water every morning.

all credits to Tobira